
Flag Germany Wolfgang Vinmans
Nickname Gridgammon DosPuntos
Matches (rated) 6 Matches: 3 Won (50%), 3 Lost (50%)
Elo (Rank active/all time) 1514 (-/-) (66 Match points are not yet enough for the ranking (200)).
Logo XG-PR All: 9,88        5: 10,23        10: 0,00        25: 0,00
Logo XG-PR,
1 Matches (17%): 0 Won, 1 Lost
Logo XG-PR,
5 Matches (83%): 3 Won, 2 Lost
Paul Magriel Memorial Event 1/3 - Added (GG)
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Last 32 Flag Germany Wolfgang Vinmans - Flag Germany Cornelia Cleemann (ConnyC) 0:1 (12,19:10,20)
Last 64 Flag Germany Wolfgang Vinmans - Flag Great Britain Sebastian Wilkinson (Pyrrhic) 1:0 (6,95:3,08)
2 Matches: 1 Won (50%), 1 Lost (50%) - - - PR: 10,24 (from 6,95 to 12,19), Opponent: 7,57
Paul Magriel Memorial Event 1/3 (GG)
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Round 4 Flag Germany Wolfgang Vinmans - Flag Germany Susanne Lahme (Susanni) 0:1 (7,24:7,73)
Round 3 Flag Germany Wolfgang Vinmans - Flag Croatia Kristijan Culjat (kosturko) 1:0 (7,79:6,36)
Round 2 Flag Germany Wolfgang Vinmans - Flag Austria Zoltan Kovacs (Satti) 0:1 (7,93:2,96)
Round 1 Flag Germany Wolfgang Vinmans - Flag Greece Theodoros Dimakis (theo23) 1:0 (14,58:10,03)
4 Matches: 2 Won (50%), 2 Lost (50%) - - - PR: 9,75 (from 7,24 to 14,58), Opponent: 7,27