
Flag Germany Marcus Selle
Nickname Gridgammon Takvorian
Nickname Galaxy Takvorian
Matches (rated) 26 Matches: 9 Won (38%), 15 Lost (63%), 2 Byes
Elo (Rank active/all time) 1405 (0./301.)
Logo XG-PR All: 10,18        5: 8,86        10: 9,91        25: 0,00
Logo XG-PR,
13 Matches (54%): 5 Won, 8 Lost
Logo XG-PR,
11 Matches (46%): 4 Won, 7 Lost
Galaxy Cup (Galaxy)
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Last 128 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Kay Bashiti (dollesleben) 0:1 (11,52:5,89)
1 Match: 0 Won, 1 Lost (100%) - - - PR: 11,52, Opponent: 5,89
3. Four Seasons, Spring Lottery (GG)
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Last 64 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Eric Stoppa (19ERIC84) 0:1 (3,95:11,01)
Last 128 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Czech Eva Zizkova (elza) 1:0 (6,13:2,60)
2 Matches: 1 Won (50%), 1 Lost (50%) - - - PR: 4,69 (from 3,95 to 6,13), Opponent: 8,51
3. Four Seasons, Spring Cup (GG), Advanced
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Round 3 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Christian Hohensteiner (GammonChris) 0:1 (8,47:9,90)
Round 2 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Nelu Merce (paltin) 0:1 (13,56:13,71)
Round 1 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Jürgen Kunkel (bgjuergen54) 0:1 (11,56:4,30)
3 Matches: 0 Won, 3 Lost (100%) - - - PR: 11,02 (from 8,47 to 13,56), Opponent: 8,83
German Championship 2019 (GG), Preliminary
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Round 10 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Valentin Belikov (reval) 1:0 (7,01:18,07)
Round 9 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Jürgen Kunkel (bgjuergen54) 1:0 (8,66:7,82)
Round 8 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Herbert Jeske (HerJe) 1:0 (11,38:13,08)
Round 7 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Christoph Bühring-Uhle (cbu) 0:1 (7,88:13,35)
Round 6 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Nick Kitanow (nickkit) 0:1 (13,08:15,02)
Round 5 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Peter Berg (pbx99) 1:0 (13,22:7,34)
Round 4 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Süreyya Impraim Oglou (WestThraceN1) 0:1 (7,96:9,30)
Round 3 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Iraj Zekri (Iradch49) 1:0 (9,64:17,30)
Round 2 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Veit Netz (VeitNetz) 0:1 (10,45:9,53)
Round 1 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Peter Ghaussy (powerpete33) 0:1 (9,78:8,36)
10 Matches: 5 Won (50%), 5 Lost (50%) - - - PR: 9,99 (from 7,01 to 13,22), Opponent: 11,94
3. Four Seasons, Winter Lottery (GG)
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Last 64 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Christian Hohensteiner (GammonChris) 0:1 (15,32:7,93)
Last 128 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Bye
2 Matches: 0 Won, 1 Lost (100%), 1 Bye - - - PR: 15,32, Opponent: 7,93
3. Four Seasons, Winter Cup (GG), Advanced
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Round 6 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Christian Hohensteiner (GammonChris) 0:1 (8,92:12,96)
Round 5 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Andrea Bohnert (FrauBo69) 0:1 (11,04:14,78)
Round 4 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Johannes Jauch (moepgammon) 0:1 (12,14:10,84)
Round 3 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Cornelia Cleemann (ConnyC) 1:0 (9,60:10,88)
Round 2 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Gabi Kranzpiller (windbraut) 1:0 (10,77:14,40)
Round 1 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag Germany Jürgen Feiler (Gammaniac) 1:0 (12,97:8,09)
6 Matches: 3 Won (50%), 3 Lost (50%) - - - PR: 10,88 (from 8,92 to 12,97), Opponent: 11,84
5. Crazy Christmas, Santa (GG)
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Last 32 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Flag France Minh Nguyen (RVolfoni) 0:1 (7,53:3,55)
Last 64 Flag Germany Marcus Selle - Bye
2 Matches: 0 Won, 1 Lost (100%), 1 Bye - - - PR: 7,53, Opponent: 3,55