
Flag Denmark Benjamin Lund
Nickname Gridgammon BenBG
Matches (rated) 8 Matches: 3 Won (43%), 4 Lost (57%), 1 Bye
Elo (Rank active/all time) 1485 (-/-) (48 Match points are not yet enough for the ranking (200)).
Logo XG-PR All: 4,94        5: 5,23        10: 0,00        25: 0,00
Logo XG-PR,
6 Matches (100%): 3 Won, 3 Lost
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3. Four Seasons, Winter Lottery (GG)
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Quarterfinal Flag Denmark Benjamin Lund - Flag Germany Christian Hohensteiner (GammonChris) 0:1 (claim)
Last 16 Flag Denmark Benjamin Lund - Flag Germany Andrea Bohnert (FrauBo69) 1:0 (6,90:24,80)
Last 32 Flag Denmark Benjamin Lund - Flag Germany Johannes Jauch (moepgammon) 1:0 (6,86:11,40)
Last 64 Flag Denmark Benjamin Lund - Flag Germany Manfred Reiner (supermane1) 1:0 (2,79:14,72)
Last 128 Flag Denmark Benjamin Lund - Bye
5 Matches: 3 Won (75%), 1 Lost (25%), 1 Bye - - - PR: 5,35 (from 2,79 to 6,90), Opponent: 14,93
3. Four Seasons, Winter Cup (GG), Expert
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Round 3 Flag Denmark Benjamin Lund - Flag Germany Georg Lachnit-Winter (Schorsch) 0:1 (4,04:5,06)
Round 2 Flag Denmark Benjamin Lund - Flag Germany Ralf Sudbrak (ralfsu) 0:1 (5,48:9,75)
Round 1 Flag Denmark Benjamin Lund - Flag Germany Rolf Schüler (rolfschueler) 0:1 (4,89:7,37)
3 Matches: 0 Won, 3 Lost (100%) - - - PR: 4,73 (from 4,04 to 5,48), Opponent: 7,10