
Flag Germany Benjamin Hilgert
Nickname Gridgammon DemonOfHavoc
Matches (rated) 8 Matches: 1 Won (13%), 7 Lost (88%)
Elo (Rank active/all time) 1366 (-/-) (77 Match points are not yet enough for the ranking (200)).
Logo XG-PR All: 12,05        5: 12,30        10: 0,00        25: 0,00
Logo XG-PR,
1 Matches (14%): 1 Won, 0 Lost
Logo XG-PR,
6 Matches (86%): 0 Won, 6 Lost
1. Three Lives Open (GG), Advanced
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Round 4 Flag Germany Benjamin Hilgert - Flag Switzerland David Domig (bergkamp) 0:1 (11,18:8,86)
Round 3 Flag Germany Benjamin Hilgert - Flag Switzerland Jacques Wehli (jaweswi) 0:1 (12,38:9,37)
Round 2 Flag Germany Benjamin Hilgert - Flag Germany Andreas Ritter (bacione69) 0:1 (11,92:10,09)
Round 1 Flag Germany Benjamin Hilgert - Flag Germany Kai Butke (inthezone) 1:0 (11,89:15,83)
4 Matches: 1 Won (25%), 3 Lost (75%) - - - PR: 11,90 (from 11,18 to 12,38), Opponent: 11,90
German Championship 2013 (GG), Preliminary
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Round 4 Flag Germany Benjamin Hilgert - Flag Germany Sebastian Kreyerhoff (chano77) 0:1 (claim)
Round 3 Flag Germany Benjamin Hilgert - Flag Germany Peter Gaebler (KomZah) 0:1 (15,82:12,94)
Round 2 Flag Germany Benjamin Hilgert - Flag Germany Francois Navarre (averell) 0:1 (8,95:8,58)
Round 1 Flag Germany Benjamin Hilgert - Flag Germany Marcel Geist (DerGeist) 0:1 (17,16:8,49)
4 Matches: 0 Won, 4 Lost (100%) - - - PR: 12,38 (from 8,95 to 17,16), Opponent: 9,62