
Flag Germany Stefan Scherer
Nickname Gridgammon Fivetwo
Matches (rated) 14 Matches: 4 Won (29%), 10 Lost (71%)
Elo (Rank active/all time) 1420 (-/-) (121 Match points are not yet enough for the ranking (200)).
Logo XG-PR All: 12,00        5: 11,68        10: 11,99        25: 0,00
Logo XG-PR,
2 Matches (18%): 0 Won, 2 Lost
Logo XG-PR,
9 Matches (82%): 4 Won, 5 Lost
German Championship 2014 (GG)
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Round 14 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Miklos Menyhart (miklosattila) 0:1 (claim)
Round 13 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Patrick Vögele (paddy78) 0:0 (claim)
Round 12 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Fabian Thomas (Bart0704) 0:1 (claim)
Round 11 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Ralf Sudbrak (ralfsu) 0:1 (9,20:7,06)
Round 10 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Max Reich (Loki) 1:0 (11,52:9,58)
Round 9 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Peter Ghaussy (powerpete33) 0:1 (7,78:8,80)
Round 8 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Lovis Kauertz (WildWoody) 1:0 (15,73:15,29)
Round 7 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Susanne Lahme (Susanni) 0:1 (12,72:11,76)
Round 6 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Maurice Kemmann (Mucki) 0:1 (12,92:10,61)
Round 5 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Raimund Klose (donramon0) 0:1 (11,05:17,16)
Round 4 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Torsten Beier (HessenCup) 1:0 (13,76:7,60)
Round 3 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Yannick Rudolph (yannick) 0:1 (12,74:7,14)
Round 2 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Andreas Hofmann (andras8) 0:1 (11,61:6,69)
Round 1 Flag Germany Stefan Scherer - Flag Germany Peter Van De Bruck (Pusteblume) 1:0 (12,02:5,61)
14 Matches: 4 Won (29%), 10 Lost (71%) - - - PR: 12,02 (from 7,78 to 15,73), Opponent: 10,05