
Flag Germany Helmut Jeske
Matches (rated) no Matches
Elo (Rank active/all time) 0 (-/-) (0 Match points are not yet enough for the ranking (200)).
Logo XG-PR All: 7,67        5: 6,80        10: 0,00        25: 0,00
Logo XG-PR,
2 Matches (22%): 1 Won, 1 Lost
Logo XG-PR,
7 Matches (78%): 3 Won, 4 Lost
DBGV-Team-2020 Qualification, Frankfurt (Live, unrated)
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Round 9 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Andreas Hofmann 0:1 (9,81:1,89)
Round 8 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Philipp Heyng 1:0 (8,32:7,95)
Round 7 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Veit Netz 0:1 (5,34:5,88)
Round 6 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Michael Weidner 0:1 (6,51:6,17)
Round 5 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Fred Brendler 1:0 (5,27:7,52)
Round 4 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Marcel Geist 1:0 (7,77:6,67)
Round 3 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Torsten Lux 0:1 (9,30:3,14)
Round 2 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Stephan Hartmann 1:0 (6,28:5,16)
Round 1 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Heribert Lindner 0:1 (10,59:6,58)
9 Matches: 4 Won (44%), 5 Lost (56%) - - - PR: 7,69 (from 5,27 to 10,59), Opponent: 6,01
3. DBGV Cup (Live, unrated), Preliminary, Hannover
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Round 5 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Heribert Lindner 0:3
Round 4 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Bye
Round 3 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Juri Alper 0:3
Round 2 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Mike Friedrich 3:1
Round 1 Flag Germany Helmut Jeske - Flag Germany Georg Lachnit-Winter 0:3
5 Matches: 1 Won (25%), 3 Lost (75%), 1 Bye - - - PR: no Analyses