
Flag Germany Jörg-Paul Geistmann
Nickname BG Studio Heroes jpeg
Matches (rated) 4 Matches: 1 Won (25%), 3 Lost (75%)
Elo (Rank active/all time) 1437 (-/-) (44 Match points are not yet enough for the ranking (200)).
Logo XG-PR All: 7,22        5: 0,00        10: 0,00        25: 0,00
Logo XG-PR,
2 Matches (50%): 1 Won, 1 Lost
Logo XG-PR,
2 Matches (50%): 0 Won, 2 Lost
German Team Championship 2024, Limited, Preliminary
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Round 7 Flag Trattoria Lili Hamburg Jörg-Paul Geistmann - Flag Hamburger Snake Eyes Armin Berg (Armin70) 0:1 (6,69:6,27)
Round 6 Flag Trattoria Lili Hamburg Jörg-Paul Geistmann - Flag Neckar Alb Lions Ralf Sonnleitner (Viper1oo1) 0:1 (8,88:5,83)
Round 5 Flag Trattoria Lili Hamburg Jörg-Paul Geistmann - Flag Golden Anchor Leopoldshafen Klaus Peras (Peras) 1:0 (6,22:19,44)
Round 4 Flag Trattoria Lili Hamburg Jörg-Paul Geistmann - Flag BGF Assenheim Susanne Frosch (Susanne) 0:1 (6,64:17,71)
4 Matches: 1 Won (25%), 3 Lost (75%) - - - PR: 7,22 (from 6,22 to 8,88), Opponent: 9,91