
Flag Germany Marc Soulier
Nickname BG Studio Heroes Marcsoul
Matches (rated) 5 Matches: 2 Won (40%), 3 Lost (60%)
Elo (Rank active/all time) 1467 (-/-) (49 Match points are not yet enough for the ranking (200)).
Logo XG-PR All: 17,86        5: 17,86        10: 0,00        25: 0,00
Logo XG-PR,
Logo XG-PR,
5 Matches (100%): 2 Won, 3 Lost
8. Four Seasons, Spring Lottery
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Last 128 Flag Germany Marc Soulier - Flag Germany Susanne Lahme (Susanni) 0:1 (19,96:7,29)
1 Match: 0 Won, 1 Lost (100%) - - - PR: 19,96, Opponent: 7,29
8. Four Seasons, Spring Cup, Intermediate --- Deadline: 28.04. (Matchpoints: 11)
Round Date Pairing Result PR
Round 4 Flag Germany Marc Soulier - Flag Germany Lutz Steuer (Cube017) 0:1 (21,31:15,69)
Round 3 Flag Germany Marc Soulier - Flag Germany Raimund Klose (Raimund) 0:1 (15,91:12,86)
Round 2 Flag Germany Marc Soulier - Flag Germany Wolfgang Lahl (WolfgangLahl) 1:0 (17,76:16,16)
Round 1 Flag Germany Marc Soulier - Flag Germany Sven Lehr (Lehrling) 1:0 (15,18:14,88)
4 Matches: 2 Won (50%), 2 Lost (50%) - - - PR: 17,63 (from 15,18 to 21,31), Opponent: 15,16